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What Should You Feed Baby?



Hi moms!  This post is about what to feed baby and when. I’ll even
talk about what not
to feed her.


Mom’s friend, Heather from next door, came over yesterday with her
4-year-old, Joshua. She saw mom feeding Ricky, my little brother.


It was vegetable puree mom made earlier. Heather saw it was not from a
baby food jar.


She was surprised and said she only fed Joshua name brand baby food
when he was Ricky’s age. I guess mom did more research!


Commercial Baby Food vs Table Food


Many moms and dads tend to think ready made baby food from the store
is best. That’s not true. 


Actually, a lot of the normal food on your table is just great for your
By blending food in a mixer, you control what your baby takes in.


Some baby doctors have said we don’t always know everything that is in
store baby food.


They say the food makers do not always list every ingredient.


Many Experts Don’t Agree


After four to six months only on milk, it’s usually time to start to
introduce real food!


Many pros though, disagree on what kinds of food to start with. Some
experts may even be your friends from next door!


Some baby doctors say start with cereal. Then maybe a pea, or yellow
veggie. Others say
it should not matter as long as they don’t choke.


Soft And Mashed


Nearly any food should be fine as long as it is soft and mashed. Also, it
should not be a food that is common to cause allergies in some people.


You can introduce those later. Applesauce or any fruit or vegetable you
can mash or put in your blender should be good.


Healthy Meat


After my sister got sick at 6 months old after being fed pork, mom did
some research. She found out a pig will eat anything. Even a dead rat! 


Mom then remembered hearing that we are what we eat. She then
realized animals must be made up of what they take in also.


Mom won’t feed us animals that are scavengers. Anything that may have
eaten something dead or diseased.


She only feeds us animals that eat grass and stuff. 


If you feed baby pork, keep an eye on baby and see if she gets sick within
the next 24 hours!


More Allergy Related Foods


After awhile when your child has eaten non-allergy related foods, you can
introduce other foods.


Foods they may have a higher chance of being allergic to. Like eggs, and
many types of nuts.


You can then see if they are able to tolerate it. Unless you have a family
member who has food allergies.


Then it’s best to wait till they are at least 3 years old.




With peanuts or peanut butter, you should probably wait till age 3,
even if there’s no allergy history.


If your child has a reaction to peanuts, you may see a rash develop on his
face. It may then spread to the rest of the body.


Their lips may swell up, as well as around the eyes. Sneezing and a runny
nose may happen.


One New Food At A time


If your baby has a bad reaction to a certain food, you may not know which
one. That’s why it’s best to wait a few days before introducing a new food.


That way you’ll know which one she is sensitive to.


Finger Food


As your infant starts to eat solid food, soon you can introduce finger
Foods like dry cereal,
crackers, and even toast.


You can let them feed themselves. Also pieces of cooked veggies, and
banana slices. Even tiny pieces of avocado.




Offer your little one a variety of tastes. Do you recall the foods you ate
when you were expecting to bring baby home?


Your baby may have already somehow developed a taste for those.
Before he was born!


Ok, mom.  Dinner time!  Have a great day!   


    courtesy Intermountain Moms at


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