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Infant Thrush



Infant Thrush and ways to prevent it


Hi moms!  I want to talk today about a problem I’ve been doing some
research on that some babies have. It’s infant thrush.


Infant thrush is a fungal infection that occurs in cases where there
is excessive growth of the fungus known as Candida albicans.


It is a yeast infection that both moms and babies are at risk of getting,
which can be easily transferred during breastfeeding.


In the mom’s case, it can appear on her nipples. Babies usually get an
infection in their mouths (oral thrush).


I’ll talk about the symptoms and how to help prevent this problem with
your little one. Also, some remedies if baby has it.



Risk Factors


Moms that have recently taken antibiotics, have diabetes, or are
anemic, run a greater risk of being thrush infectors.


Since babies have undeveloped immune systems, they can easily get
infected with infant thrush.


Toddlers can also be the infection carriers, but it is unknown what
causes oral thrush in babies and why some have a greater
chance of
getting infant thrush than others.



Symptoms In Moms and Babies


Thrush can result in painful symptoms for both mom and child and
makes the breastfeeding process more difficult.


Symptoms for moms can include sore, itchy, burning or cracked
nipples, as well as frequent vaginal yeast infections.


Oral thrush in babies causes symptoms, such as white oddly shaped
patches in the mouth.



A white coating might also be on the sides of baby’s cheeks. Also,
diaper rash, skin rash, moodiness, or even refusal to






Prescription And Over The Counter


“Treatment usually includes ​the application of an antifungal like
Nystatin applied several times daily to the inside of the


Diflucan is also an effective treatment that may be prescribed by
your physician and should be given as directed.


If the diaper area is affected, Nystatin or Lotrimin (which is available
without a prescription) works well here, too.”   
read more



Baking Soda


“Diluted baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) may also combat the
symptoms of thrush.


Dissolve one-half teaspoon of baking soda in one cup of warm
water, and apply to your child’s thrush with a cotton swab.


You can also apply the paste on the mother’s nipples before
breastfeeding.”       read more



Thrush Prevention


Even though oral thrush in babies is not a life-threatening
disease, it’s best to prevent it than cure it.


By being mindful of thrush prevention, you can avoid a handful of
painful symptoms for you and baby.


Luckily, there are measures of precaution that can be taken to avoid
thrush altogether.



Hand Washing


When you have a baby in the house, hand washing should be a
crucial part of your daily routine that all family members should


Moms should pay special attention to washing their hands after they
use the bathroom, after changing the baby’s diaper and
before they
breastfeed baby.


This way, a lot of common illnesses can be avoided, including infant



Washing All Baby Objects


All things that come into direct contact with baby, and your breasts,
need to be washed in hot water to prevent bacteria


This includes all linens, clothes, toys, bottles, pacifiers, breast
pumps, etc.


“If you formula-feed your baby or use a pacifier, thoroughly clean the
nipples and pacifiers in hot water or a dishwasher
after each use.


That way, if there’s yeast on the bottle nipple or pacifier, your baby
won’t be reinfected.


Store milk and prepared bottles in the refrigerator to prevent yeast
from growing.”           read more




Keeping Breasts Dry


Allowing breasts to dry properly between feeding sessions is
important cause it promotes a clean and healthy environment.


If you use breast pads, you should change and wash them often.
The breast pads with plastic liners should be avoided altogether
cause they are fertile ground for bacteria growth.


Also, cotton bras are the preferred choice for nursing moms as
they tend to trap less moisture.


A Balanced Diet


Keeping a balanced diet while nursing will promote your overall
health. It will help you produce good quality milk for baby too.


Decrease sugar you take in. Sugar can make symptoms worse. 
Consider adding yogurt to your diet to increase good bacteria in
your body.


Mama Natural says to add antibacterial and antifungal foods to your


Natural foods such as “garlic, herbs like thyme and oregano, raw
coconut oil and butter, black cumin seed oil, raw pumpkin seeds,
etc.”           read more


Taking probiotic supplements may have the same good effect.


Infant thrush is a common problem among breastfed kids, but if
you take measures of precaution, you can greatly lower your risk


In most cases, oral thrush in babies is harmless, but the infection
might worsen if left untreated.


If you or your baby experience symptoms of thrush, it is important to
see a professional.


OK, moms. Hope that helps. The video below might help too.
                                       Have a healthy day!


courtesy Conscious

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