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To Discipline And To Love



Hi moms!  Here’s some of what I learned through research. 
Also, some things I’ve learned from personal experience already!


I decided to write about this yesterday when I heard something
strange next door.
Our next door neighbor, Heather, was yelling at
her four-year-old, Joshua.


Really loud! You know what I heard next? Joshua laughing! He
thought her bluff was funny, I guess.




When we disobey our parents, we are testing them. We want to
see how long
we can get away with doing what we want.


Even if we know we shouldn’t. How far can we push the limit? Is
mom or dad serious?




It takes a lot of patience to bring up a child properly. It takes time
and testing for
baby to know what the boundaries are.


A lot of parents I guess, are not willing to put in the time. Taking
the time though, should pay off in the long
run as she gets




It is a lot easier for a parent to yell at a child when they’re in
another room. Easier
than going all the way over there. Especially,
if the parent is busy. Watching tv for


They may miss an important scene. Your tot will notice this. Be
and take the time. Mom records everything, then
rewinds when she gets back




Once you start down the road of yelling, your child may not take
you seriously unless
you yell. You are only making things more
stressful for yourself.


Your child may sense she is only in trouble if the yelling is at a
certain pitch. This causes you to have to yell
louder and


Conning Mom


I remember trying to con mom. If she said no, I started to cry. When
that didn’t work, I cried louder. Mom came over and looked closely.
No tears. Nuts!




Children of all ages need love. Love mixed with a reasonable
degree of discipline gets
them ready for a successful adult life.


Praise your baby when they deserve it. Give your child love and
respect and they will want to give back the same to you.


No Love Without Discipline


There have been studies showing children want discipline. As they
grow they will see
other kids having limits from their parents.


They soon will connect that with love. If they don’t have discipline,
they will feel not as loved as the other kids.




Consistent punishment will teach your tot there’s a price to pay for
If you spank them, never do it when you are
. Wait until you’re calm.


Mom takes our favorite toy away for a set time or our most popular
food. Sometimes we
can’t go outside for a certain number of days.


She tells us ahead of time what the punishment will be if we
disobey. She only has to tell us once.


Wanting Your Praise


If you love and respect your tot, they will usually not want to
disappoint you. If they know they have, they will want to feel that
acceptance and praise again.


When I disappoint mom, I’m motivated to feel her cuddles again. I
want to make her happy.



Don’t Get Discouraged


If you find it’s taking a while for her to obey you, don’t become
discouraged. In time she too will want to experience your
praise again!


Thank’s for reading. Have a great day!


                                                                                                     courtesy Intermountain Moms at

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