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Interacting With Your Baby


Hi moms!   As a new parent, you most likely ask yourself when you will hear
baby’s first words. Here are some tips on how to help baby learn to talk.


Usually, you will hear your baby’s first word around 9 or 10 months old. It
vary. Mom says I first said dada when I was 8 months old. Mom helped
me though. In fact, there are some ways you can help your baby to talk.



Babies learn communication by watching mom

By the age of 2 months, your baby is already able to respond to your actions.
The melodic way you speak to them motivates them to interpret what you are
saying. That’s what is happening when they are staring up at you as you talk
to them.


They will usually start to babble around 6 months. First only vowel sounds.
The next phase they will try to copy your words.



Read to your baby. My mom read a lot to me. Even though I didn’t
understand what she was saying, it helped to stimulate my senses.


She also would say the names of what we ate with when we would eat.
Fork, spoon, plate and so on while holding it up to me.




Mom would sing after reading to me at bedtime if I was still awake, but also
during playtime. 2 songs were, What a Wonderful World and Somewhere
Over The Rainbow as well as some soft gospel tunes.




We played games like “peek-a-boo”. Games that enhance imitation and
taking turns. She also would say something after I babbled. Then she waited
for me to babble before responding again. That gets babies used to the
pattern of conversing.


Your baby’s very first word is certainly thrilling. Keep in mind though, that
infants will develop at various speeds. If your child is a late talker they may
still end up with great 
speaking abilities and communication skills later.


Additionally, remember they will learn more language, the more you
talk to them.


Have a wonderful day!


courtesy J Lynn at


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