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How To Survive The Teething Process



 Teething Questions Answered


Hi moms!  Here are answers to some of your teething questions.


The teething process can be a tough time for both the child and also 
moms and dads. It begins at various ages depending on each baby.


Normally by the time they turn 3 most have all their baby teeth.


I already have most of mine. Only 6 more to go! It’s best to see your
pediatrician if your child has not obtained their first tooth by their first


20 Teeth


Babies will grow 20 teeth. Half on top and half on bottom. Normally,
they don’t grow in any particular order. All babies are different.


They all usually end up with 20 though.


Some signs of teething are:


– Bulging gum tissues as the teeth try to push through


– A lot of crying as we experience the new pain


– Sometimes we get more fussy than we normally are


– Sometimes we start to drool more


– If you see us starting to chew on our fingers, we may be teething


– Our appetite may decrease


– We may awaken from our sleep quicker




Teething is really uncomfortable. Mom says it was my first tooth that
caused the most trouble for me.


That must be cause I wasn’t used to the new pain. Mom says I was
5 months old.


When teething you’ll see your baby putting their hands in their


This brings us some relief from the discomfort. You can delicately
rub their gums to decrease the pain.


Giving baby something cool to bite on can also help. A cool wet rag
for example. Mom gives me non-toxic teething rings.


Whatever it is, make sure baby can’t choke on it.




The FDA has warned not to use some over the counter teething
gels. The ones that have Benzocaine in them.


They are used by many parents to relieve teething symptoms. They
are unsafe according to the FDA.


Also, teething tablets have warnings on them! I’m glad mom
does her research. Teething toys are good enough for me.


Baby teeth are not permanent, but they are important. They are
needed to chew of course, but also for speech.


It’s important they stay healthy. Mom uses a baby toothbrush to
brush my teeth.


Tooth Decay


Not long after baby teeth start growing in, your child should be
switched to solids.  


For teething babies soft and mushy foods. If you have a  toddler,
see the advice for teething toddlers.


By their first birthday, they should be off the bottle. If they still have
a bottle of milk, make sure they don’t fall asleep with it in their


That may cause tooth decay.


Bacteria from cavities in baby teeth may fall onto permanent
when growing through later.


That could cause a problem with those new teeth. If your child still
needs a bottle, It should only be filled with water. No sugar.


OK, mom. Nap time. Have a great day!


                                                                      courtesy IntermountainMoms at


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