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How To Survive The 4 Month Sleep Regression

by | Oct 9, 2019


Hi moms!  Today we’ll talk about the 4 month sleep regression.


What is the 4 month sleep regression? This is a change in baby’s
sleep cycle. It can be a tough time for
parents to get used to.


The changes in sleep patterns are a natural part of baby’s growth 
and development.
As baby gets older, he sleeps less.


Newborns usually sleep for 16 to 20 hours a day. At 6 weeks, it’s 
down to 15 to 16 total sleep hours every day. By 4 months it can
down to 14 hours.


During this sleep regression phase, babies don’t have a deep
like they used to. It’s common for us to awaken many times
the night.


We’ll cover how long this adjustment can last and how you can
handle it.


Is It Possible To Prevent The 4-Month 
Sleep Regression?


It’s not possible to prevent, but there are ways to make it easier
to go through.


How Long Does This Sleep Regression 


In most cases, the 4-month sleep regression lasts between 2-6
This is not the same for all babies.


There are those who take a few days to a few weeks to adapt to
their new sleep pattern.


Tips For Surviving The 4-Month Sleep 


Slowly Break Sleep Patterns


“Typically, 4 to 6 month old babies will get 6-8 hours of their
sleep during
the night, with 1 to 2 awakenings in between to


From 4 to 6 months old, your baby will start staying awake
longer in
between sleeps and you’ll notice more distinct
sleeping patterns emerge.


Now you’ll be able to get them on a more set nap schedule
and can start
to expect a bit more sleep at night.” 


Babies at this stage may be taking shorter naps during the day.


If baby is not getting 3 naps with at least 2 of them for an
hour and a half, He may be
over tired at bedtime. This can
make it difficult to get them to sleep and
stay asleep.



Chances are baby is not getting too much nap time during the day.


“IF you find yourself thinking that your baby is struggling to sleep
she has napped too much in the day, unless her daytime
sleep exceeded 6+
hours at 4 months, that is likely NOT the


It’s OK if your 4 month old wants to sleep up to 16 hours in a 24
hour period,
so that means if baby is getting 11 hours of sleep at
night, 5 hours in the day
is GREAT!”     


Gradually put baby to bed earlier. Even as early as 6 to 8 pm. See
what time
she wakes up in the morning. You can then adjust her
bedtime so she wakes
up at the time you want.


Bedtime Routine


Start a bedtime routine. This will tell baby it’s nighttime and time to
sleep for a
longer period. It may involve cleaning him, including
brushing his teeth.


Changing the diaper and putting jammies on. You might play a
game, as long
as it’s not too exciting.


You might spend some time talking to baby, including reading a
book. You
might sing to baby.


When it’s time to lay her in the crib, you can do what mom used to
do for me.
Turn on the sound machine with a soft lullaby.


The routine doesn’t have to be long. You can try just 2 or 3 things
at first and
see if that works.




If your little one is starting to roll over, consider a sleep sack
instead of a
swaddle. Many experts say a sack is safer for babies
who roll over during the


Some say it can help baby comfort himself and resume normal
sleep patterns
on their own.


Dark And Comfy


The surrounding environment has a huge impact on the way baby


There are parents who think their baby will sleep comfortably in
the dark while
others think that their babies will not be able to
sleep well when exposed to a
dark environment.


According to the research dark is the best environment for


Infants and newborns are not affected by dark. They are more
sensitive to light,
though. Light triggers our brain that it is time for
activity and alertness.


Our little brain responds by producing hormones accordingly.
That’s why it’s best to make sure baby’s sleeping
environment is as dark as possible.



Make adjustments to baby’s nursery.


“Try making the sleeping environment a little cozier for baby. Adjust
temperature of the room a degree or two cooler, make sure the
sheets are nice
and soft but still light and breathable, and block out
any intrusive light with black-
out drapes/blinds.


Create the perfect place to sleep and they may get through this
easier and faster.”      


Keep It Quiet


Researchers have found out that parents should use a sound
machine to mask


Newborns and infant sleep patterns can be interrupted by noise at
A good sound machine can do away with the noise.


Stick To Your Routine


The 4-month sleep regression is usually disturbing as the parents
can no longer
stick to their normal routines.


As a parent, you should try as much as possible to stick to your
regular routine.


Failure to stick to your routine may make it hard to get back
to your normal routine
once the regression process is over.


Feed Baby More


Researchers have found out that during the 4-month regression
period babies
need to eat more food.


It is during this period when the babies start to experience an
increase in appetite.


You should not worry about feeding them more than you used to.
The 4-month
sleep regression comes at a time when there is a
growth spurt that makes baby
feel hungrier.


Usually, an extra ounce during every feeding session will be
So if baby was getting 4 ounces at a time, you can make it
5 if she wants it.


No Distractions


Make sure baby isn’t distracted when being fed.



“At this age, they are incredibly curious about the world around
them and might
shift their attention away from a feeding before
they are full.


Make sure to feed your baby in an environment where there are
no distractions. Full feedings during the day and just before bed
can help prevent your baby from getting hungry in the middle of
the night.”     


Family And Friends


This sleep regression can be very tiresome. If you have close
friends or relatives
who are willing to help, you should feel free to
allow them.


This is cause you do not only need to take care of baby, but also


Being exhausted all the time may make it hard for you to fully
concentrate on
providing the necessary care to baby. Having
a helper will let you get time to rest.


Lay The Baby Down Drowsy, But Awake


Having your baby calm and looking drowsy, is the best time
to put them in the crib.
For both their nap or at nighttime, rather
than waiting for them to fall asleep.


Moms need to allow us to learn how to fall asleep by ourselves.
For most of us,
self-soothing is a skill we must learn.


Once we learn we can fall asleep without mom, then when we
wake up during the
night, we’re more likely to realize we can put
ourselves back to sleep.


This is one of the best ways of relieving yourself from the
workload involved during
the 4-month sleep regression.


OK moms. I hope the above tips help. I’m starting to nod off…
Must be nap time!



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