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Toddler Milestones

by | May 22, 2019


Toddler milestones at one, two and three years old.


Hi moms!

Let’s talk today about kids like my sister Harper and me. About
red-letter days.


When you bring a new baby home, you look forward to the special
turning points
she will have.


There will be a day when baby will wave bye-bye.
One day he will smile or laugh for the first time.


Of course, those special days don’t stop when we grow up to be a
There will continue to be those memorable firsts baby will
finally achieve.


Milestones can help you to know how baby is coming along at
different stages.
They can alert you to a delay in baby’s progress,
so you can tell your baby
doctor and get advice.



1 Year Old Toddler Milestones


Motor Milestones


At this stage, your child is not able to walk by himself since he has
poor standing balance and falls a lot. He will tend to squat to pick up
stuff. When they do, they may try to put it in their mouth, so you need
to watch him more closely.


Mom said I was able to stack 3 blocks on top of each other.


Baby will want to interact more. She will make eye contact and will like
imitate others, including you!


I liked to be swung around and tossed gently in the air.


She will start moving often by crawling or cruising while holding onto
We are curious and want to explore and grab stuff that looks


Emotional And Social Milestones


At this age, if your toddler does not have siblings, she will not have
much social contact with other kids. They can still learn different social
skills, though. They will also learn how to express their feelings.


Mom said I would show worry when I was around strangers. I would
grab onto her.


I would also show affection when I was around people I was familiar


If someone around us is upset, we can cry.


When I played with my sister, I would smile and laugh sometimes.


Language Milestones


At this stage, the language is about the sounds that your toddler makes.
She will try and babble when she is trying to talk to you.


They will understand the names of family members.


When wanting to say no, they will be able to shake their head and nod
when saying yes.


We can point to something we want.


We will raise our arms when we want to be picked up.


Your little one should be able to understand when you say stop.


We can reveal feelings of frustration, joy, and unhappiness.



2 Year Old Toddler Milestones


Many moms call it the terrible twos. It seems at this age all that your
toddler wants is to say no to everything.


Movement Ability


Between the ages of one and two, we start to walk.


Throughout her second year, she will be able to walk better and even
run slowly.


They will be able to walk up the stairs while holding onto the rail.


My sister was able to stand on her tiptoes and even kick her ball.


They will be able to climb up the furniture in your home. We become
known as a little terror. I guess cause you have to watch us so close
and babyproof your home.


Baby will be able to carry a toy while walking.


They will continue improving their motor skills by climbing, sliding,
playing and running.



Finger And Hand Development


Baby will be able to build a tower with blocks, arranging them properly.


She can turn a container over to pour it’s contents out.


Your toddler can scribble by this age. He should be able to hold a
pencil. It may be an awkward grip, but he can start to draw circles and


They will have the proper coordination of their palm, wrist, and fingers
to open a jar. If they do, that means they will be able to turn a
too. More terror!


They may show a greater liking for using their right or left hand. That
may not mean they will be right or left handed later, though.


Language Skills


Can point out pictures when they are named.


Can say a sentence of up to 4 words.


They can follow easy instructions and repeat words when asked.


This is when you can help your toddler with language skills.


If you have toddler books you can ask her to repeat words from them.
You can also ask her to name objects or touch them.


Social And Emotional Skills


At this stage, they get excited being around other tots and play beside


They will copy the older kids.




Normally, babies at this age are happy if they are not tired or hungry.


They are comforted by your touch and love being cuddled.


They enjoy many different smells and sounds. They have gotten used
to the noises
they hear every day.


Their sleeping routine is well established.



3 Year Old Toddler Milestones


At this age, language and imagination skills seem to be supercharged.


A toddler can figure out different words, play activities, learn to build
relationships as well as making up stories.


They are trying to tell the difference between the right things and the
wrong ones.


Baby is also trying to learn how to manage their feelings.


Language And Communication Skills


Your little one is able to follow commands and can talk using 2 or 3
sentences. Each sentence may be 3 or 4 words.


Knows how to use words like I, you and we.


Can name her friends.


Can tell you their name and what gender and age they are.


Their talk is clear enough that even strangers know what they’re


Physical Skills


He can run, climb and jump.

He can pedal a tricycle.

He may be able to hop on one foot.

Walking up the stairs, he can take each stair with one foot now.


Emotional And Social Skills


Copies what friends and adults around her do.

Will not be upset if left alone by the parents.

Can dress and undress by herself.

Can help out with the tasks around your home.

They can show affection in an open way.


Can take turns when playing with siblings or friends.


There you have a lot of the milestones of your toddler. If you feel
your child is falling behind in something, talk to your baby’s doctor.


Early intervention can be important.


Enjoy your little one’s growth!


Have a great day!


courtesy of Parents at


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