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Toddler Hitting

by | Dec 11, 2019


Hi moms!  In my researching, I’ve noticed how common it is to see moms
worrying about the hostile nature of a little one. I was surprised to read
that most
toddlers hit or kick.


If your child is showing this kind of behavior, you may think that you don’t
have this mom thing down very well. “My tot is turning out terrible.”


You can rest easy, though. It is just a normal stage that we go through as
we grow up. We’re not able to control sudden feelings we have.


As we grow and become more independent, we feel we are able to do
anything physically. This includes hitting, but also biting, kicking or


Today, we’ll talk about the causes and how to prevent this problem. Also,
making sure your child knows how and when to defend themself.



 Causes Of Aggression



Emotionally Unstable


During this stage of your child’s development, the main cause of your
toddler’s behavior is their age. They have not developed self-control yet
and are emotionally unstable.



Used To Pampering


Another reason is to get what they want. We are so used to being
pampered in our first year as a baby. Mom gives us what we need,
when we need it.


As we grow, we start to decide what we need by the feeling of what
want. When we don’t get it, some might lash out with a tantrum of
some kind including hitting.





It might also be to gain control of a situation with other kids. Your child is
used to getting what they need from you which is also what they want at
the time.


If another child is preventing them from having what they want, they may
try to control the other child by hitting, biting, or kicking.


They might feel the end result will be they will get what they want, which
their confusion is what they think they need. Haha. I hope this isn’t



Family Environment


Another situation that might cause aggression in your child is a shock to
little one’s emotions.


Like parents divorcing. Mom and dad arguing a lot. Other stressful
that your toddler isn’t used to in your home. Even moving to
a new home.



Other Children


As your child begins playing with other kids, they might see them acting
out by
hitting and other aggressive actions.


They might learn from them and think it’s normal to act that way. We are
very influential at this stage.





Another area of influence can be the tv. There are a lot of shows your
might watch if you’re not noticing.


They might be violent and not suitable for the age they are.



 Preventing Hitting





If your toddler hits another child, the correct thing is to stop it. Teach him
it is wrong to hit other kids.


If it continues then you need to do the discipline routine you have
decided on. Ask why he did it, why he is angry. Then you will better
understand your child.


Some use the time-out method. “When Zoe hits, her parents say: “You
hit, you
sit!” and she has to go sit on the stairs for seven minutes (one
minute for every
year of her age).


Jessica says it works because it sends a clear message to Zoe that
there’s a predictable, non-negotiable consequence.”     





Another method is to stop their fun.


“If a toddler hits, it’s a sign that the activity they’re trying to engage in
may have become overwhelming.


Putting it away with a gentle but firm, “Oh, you hit, so we can’t play
blocks anymore,” then moving on is a good way to teach a toddler that
when they hit, the fun comes to an end.”     



Teach Communication


“Help your child develop their vocabulary by using feeling words. This
will help them better express themselves and declare their needs.


As your child builds their ability to express their wants, needs, and
opinions, they will be better prepared to handle conflicts and difficulties.


If your toddler is frustrated or upset, say, “Use your words, please.” 





You can try rewarding them in some way when they behave well.


“Be generous in appreciating his good behavior when he does not resort
to hitting.


For example, for kids above three, you can maintain stars chart, “Each
day that you behave well with your friends, you get a star on the chart.


When the chart has five stars, we can have a pizza”.”    momjunction





If she has a tantrum, don’t yell or get angry. When you know why they
are having
the tantrum, don’t give in.


Otherwise, the behavior will continue. They will know how to get what
they want.





As a parent, make sure you teach your child the difference between not
hitting other children, and defending themself from a child who does hit.


Your child must have that ability as they grow up. As I grow up, I’m
learning this world isn’t a perfect place with perfect people.


As he grows, teach him how to react the right way when he is attacked.
the balance between excessive and moderate aggression.



Children Refusing To Learn


Their are children who refuse to listen and learn. They may be stubborn
or they may just be continuing to be who they were before God loaned
them to you.


If that’s the case, it’s not your fault, moms. It’s who they are. You can
only do the best you can with what you are given and who you are given.


Seek professional advice. After that, if they still don’t conform to your
standards, you might have to let them learn the hard way.


They will come to learn one day that your good advice was best, if they
get in real trouble later when they grow up.


OK, moms. I hope your child listens!  Have a great day!



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