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Toddler And Newborn Problems

by | Dec 4, 2019


Toddlers And Newborns


Hi moms!  If you have a toddler and are waiting for another baby to
be delivered to you soon, you may worry about some things.


Mom had 2 toddlers when she brought Ricky home. I don’t remember,
but mom says she prepared us ahead of time telling us we would
have a new brother.


You may not know how to cope with both. How to spend time with
your toddler. How to love both equally, and more.


I researched how other moms are able to get through this time and
share what I found.


We’ll talk about:

*Preparing your toddler for baby


*How to keep toddler distracted while your busy


*How to get both to nap at the same time


*How to deal with anxiety your toddler may feel


*Setting the example of how to touch baby, and more


The arrival of a new baby is an exciting time. Even though it’s not your
first experience, you might still have problems.


The most important thing is to start telling your child that she will
have a little brother or sister.


Refer to their new future family member as “their baby.” This might
prevent envy.


“To help my eldest daughter take ownership of our newest family
member, when I found out I was pregnant I started calling him “her
baby,” and “our baby,” and “your baby,” rather than “my baby.”


This simple switch was more inclusive and helped her with adjusting to
the idea of a new baby coming into our house and our family.” 


Enjoy the time you have with your toddler, cause once baby arrives,
you will not be able to spend as much time with him.


Get your child used to being with other family members who can
you take care of her once the new one arrives.



How To Cope With A Newborn And Toddler 


After baby arrives, introduce him to your toddler. Tell him often that he
should love baby no matter what. Make your child understand this from
the beginning.



As you will have to devote more time to your newborn, it is important to
maintain the safety of your toddler by establishing safe areas in your
home for the child to play.



Toddler Activities


When nursing baby, you can set up activities for your toddler to keep


“We have a play kitchen that keeps my kids interested for a long time –
bring me food to eat and fix food for their dolls and stuffed animals
plastic dinosaurs, and have tea parties. 


Things like playdough and painting and water play can keep kids
interested for a long time.”



Nap Time


Although it might be difficult, you should try to have both children
at the
same time.


That will help them get enough rest and allow you as a mom to recover


To do this, don’t give your toddler anything with sugar. Get baby’s
routine down, and know when one of her naps will be.


Then tire your toddler out ahead of time.


“After having several kids, one major tip I can give you is to make them
tired. Let them run around, be crazy, and get excited because they are
that much more likely to get to nap.


Think about how much easier you fall asleep when you’ve been
physically active and running around:


You fall asleep that much easier!”





When it comes time to read to your toddler, you can read to both at the
same time.
Holding baby in your arms.



Baby Wrap


There are baby wraps you can get. You can keep baby close while
doing other
activities. Even spending time with your bigger little one.



Family Members


It is normal that sometimes you feel pressured and need your toddler
to be cared
for by another person, such as a family member or close






Show Love


One of the most important things is that your toddler always feels
Many children are jealous of their new brothers.


You can buy gifts, be with him at certain times, and other people spend
time with him too.





Your toddler might become jealous and nervous about you dividing
your attention
between him and baby.


You might notice separation anxiety.



Assure him and let baby know it’s normal to have those feelings, but
you still love
him and that he shouldn’t worry.


Make sure to spend time with your toddler. Sometimes even when
nursing. You
can use a sling and play a game with older baby.



Signs Of Anxiety


Your toddler might start to act like a younger baby again when seeing
the attention you give to your newborn. This seems to be common.


“You may just see that your child is thumb sucking and wanting to
climb into the new baby’s cot:


this is an indicator that the child needs to feel small again. It’s your
toddler’s way of saying ‘Hey, please don’t forget about me!'”     



Gently Touch


Your toddler watches how you do things and learns. Show her how
tender you are
with baby.


That being rough is not the right way to be with the little one.





When you are happy with the gentle way your toddler is with baby, be
sure to praise her. Let her know how proud you are of her.


We love praise!


OK, moms. I hope that helps.


May your toddler adjust well! Have a great day!



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