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The Witching Hour

by | Oct 23, 2019


Hi moms!  What is the witching hour?


The witching hour can be a very difficult time for most moms. It usually
starts around 4 or 5pm and can last for many hours.


We’ll discuss what it is and how you can deal with it. When babies
outgrow it.
Also, the difference between colic and the witching hour.


What It Is


It can be an extended crying time, fussing, or maybe an increased
appetite. More than usual, even though there seems to be no
reason to explain


It can be crankiness, meltdowns, and clinginess. Most babies go
this, but not all.


It usually begins when baby is between 2 and 6 weeks old. It can
last till she is
3 or 4 months old!


Some say it may be due to a low milk supply by late afternoon.
Formula fed
babies also can experience the witching hour, though. So,
there doesn’t seem to
be an agreed upon answer yet.


Body Temperature?


“Research shows that a baby’s body temperature usually peaks in the
late afternoon,
leading to maximum wakefulness. So your little one is
exhausted—yet unable to


Sleep Wake Cycle


The bodies of adults make a chemical that regulates the sleep-wake
Babies don’t have that chemical yet.


So, we need a routine to show us when it’s sleep time. If we don’t
have that, we may get disoriented, like a kitty in a car!



Low Milk Supply


You can test if it’s a low milk supply by bottle feeding during the
witching hours.
You can also try cluster feeding.


“Instead of feeling like you’re breaking your newborn routine, add some
cluster feeds into the routine. Here’s what a cluster feed looks like with
a little one.


3:30 pm – Feed baby


4:30 pm – Nap


5:30 pm – Feed baby


7:30 pm – Feed baby and put to bed


9:30 pm – Feed baby while still sleeping


11:30 pm – Feed baby (called a dream feed) then put back to bed”




If you expect this period of baby’s growth to happen, you can adjust
ahead of


For instance, avoiding spending time in social settings or running
at this time of the day.


It can be helpful to recognize that baby needs more attention at this
specific time
of the day or night.


Avoid Overworking Yourself At This Time


If for instance, the dinner preparation involves some complicated


You can make sure that this is done before this witching time of
the day.


Afternoons have also been very peaceful when moms plan ahead and
engage in nurturing their babies.


Try to keep them thoughtfully engaged during these witching


Sense Stimulation


Many moms struggle to work with baby during late afternoon. It can be
helpful to involve their child’s sensory stimulation during this time.


Sensory stimulation works wonders since sensory play keeps kids
somehow distracted from what could be disturbing them.


For example, you can give baby a bath at this time. You can dance and
or sing.
Any distracting activity may help.



Limit Stimulation


If sensory stimulation doesn’t work, you can try reducing stimulation.


“Reduce household stimuli by dimming the lights, turning off external
noises (e.g. TVs, etc.), and creating a peaceful, relaxing atmosphere.

You can even play soft music—try classical music, lullabies, or cello
of pop songs.


This not only help your baby unwind during the witching hour, but also
helps get baby into a solid bedtime routine.


Overtired Or Sleep-Deprived


If baby is overtired:

“1. makes hand-to-face gestures (pulls at his ears, rubs his eyes)
and/or flutters his eyelids.


2. cries inconsolably.


3. yawns.


4. becomes “clingy.”


5. becomes more and more active as the night wears on.


Sleep-deprivation is different. According to the experts at, babies can become sleep-deprived when they’re
allowed to become overtired often because unlike adults who become
lethargic, overtired babies become hyperactive and therefore have a
difficult time sleeping.”


Nap Time


If baby is less than 6 weeks old, he shouldn’t be awake longer
than 1 hour.


After that till 3 months old, you should limit their awake time to no more
1 hour and 45 minutes.


Baby should have 3 to 5 naps a day. More during the first 6 weeks.


Colic VS Witching Hour


The witching hour happens during the same hours eveyday starting in
the late
afternoon. Colic can happen anytime. Also: 


“The behavior of a colickly baby is markedly different than that of a
baby experiencing normal witching hour.


The crying is often more intense and the baby is unable to be soothed.

The crying may be accompanied by behavior that indicates the baby is
physically uncomfortable – he/she will arch his/her back, or seem to
want to change positions, or tense his/her legs up near the abdomen.”



Close the gap


Keeping your baby close shows them that much-sought parenting
love is there
for them.


Closing doors to hide from the storm can make things challenging to
As a parent you have the responsibility of developing trust with



Show them that you are always there for them even on the off times.
them physically near you is always a great reminder for them
that you can be


Skin To Skin


“Studies show that babies who are held skin-to-skin contact, particularly
by their mother, are apt to cry less than those separated from their


Some refer to a newborn’s cry as a “separation distress call,” noting that
it is a mammalian reflex well-suited to calling the mother back to the


Skin to skin contact, also known as kangaroo care, also causes
hormones in baby to be released.


These hormones relieve stress and help stabilize body temperature.


60 minutes of uninterrupted skin contact is recommended during these
first 3


Researchers have found skin to skin contact for 3 hours a day total can
reduce infant crying by 43%. Reducing the stress for both baby and mom. 


Skin to skin can also helps moms prevent postpartum depression.
Studies are showing that this problem is increasing with moms.


When mom and baby cuddle, they find the hormone oxytocin is released
in mom.
That gives her a feeling of relaxation and well-being.


Baby Carrier


Baby wearing is a good way to keep baby close also.


A baby carrier can help moms do this while allowing them to do their
important tasks around the home.


Pacifier And Massage


I remember a few months ago my baby brother Ricky was still going
through this


Mom would comfort him with a pacifier and a massage. That seemed
to work.


OK moms, I just heard it’s nap time. I hope you find a good result!
                                     Have a great day!



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