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The Many Ways To Stop Your Child’s Thumb Sucking
Many ways to stop your child’s thumb sucking
Hi moms! Today I want to share different ways you can wean your child
away from sucking their thumb.
Thumb sucking is a problem with kids all around the world. Most of us
start the habit before we are born. It’s actually a healthy sign.
After mom brings us home, we might start sucking our thumb the first
day. It’s a way of coping with stress and to soothe ourself.
Usually Ends Gradually
We usually stop gradually after we start talking. I don’t put my thumb
in my mouth as much as I used to.
Mom says it’s alright for now, though. My older sister still has the habit.
Mom wants us to stop completely before we start school.
Thumb Sucking In School
Mom has given us the desire to want to quit before school. She told us
of an experience she remembers from fifth grade.
There was a boy who sat in front of her who sucked his thumb. She
said the other kids made fun of him.
To help him stop, the teacher would point it out in class and tell him to
stop. When that didn’t work, he had him stand in the corner in front of
the room for five minutes.
Mom says he probably didn’t realize he was putting his thumb in his
mouth. In time, he finally was able to stop.
That must have been a tough time for him.
Parents Can Help
As a parent, there are things you can do to help your child with this
situation. Instead of waiting for kids or a teacher to shame her!
Create A Diversion
Keep an eye out for when they tend to suck their thumb. Then you can
give them something to keep their hands busy.
If they do it when they’re stressed, you can give them a little ball to
You can also encourage your child to color a picture. If your child likes
toys then you can give her a toy to play with.
Praise Your Child
It’s good that you reward them with praise any time they don’t suck
their thumb. You can also reward them with something they like.
Either right away or promise it to them later. We like to be rewarded!
Warning Your Child About Getting Germs
You can tell him he might swallow harmful germs that will make him sick.
That fear may help them to gradually suck their thumb less.
You could try putting a little pepper on her thumbs. After her mouth
gets hot, she may be discouraged from the habit.
If that don’t work, you can try vinegar.
You could try putting mittens or something else on your child’s thumbs. I
don’t know if that would work for me, though. I think I would just take it
As a last option, you can buy a product that is made to stop this problem.
The one with the most reviews on Amazon is made in Switzerland called
Mavala Stop.
Remind Your Little One
Your child may not be aware of their thumb sucking. You can gently
remind them when you see a thumb in their mouth.
You can tell them that their hands are for playing and their mouth is for
Problems In The Mouth
If we still suck our thumbs past five or six, it can lead to issues with
our speech.
It can also lead to problems when our permanent teeth grow in. They
may grow in crooked.
Whatever way you find that works, the important thing is that it worked.
You can then rest easy, knowing your child’s mouth will be healthier.
Also, the teacher won’t be shaming them.
Mom has given us an incentive to quit.
When tucking Harper and me in, mom says
“You were sent down from heaven for a reason”
Then she turns and walks to the door. Mom then turns back to us as
she shuts off the light. She then says, ” When you stop sucking your
thumb, we will… “discover why!”
Harper and me ponder moms words and our little minds tire. We fall
asleep quickly.
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