Baby Jenna
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The Final Christmas

by | Nov 27, 2019

Hi moms!

I want to answer a few questions about Christmas your toddler may ask. These
are questions I had for mom recently and ones you should be ready to answer.

The first will be about santa and if he’s real or not. Mom told me what she was
told and what she went through because of it.

The second will be about the Christmas tree, why do we have it.

The third will be about when the final Christmas will happen once you tell your
little one about the real meaning of Christmas. Will there be fewer and fewer
moms with babies?


Is Santa Real?

I have read many moms debate whether or not to tell their child the truth about
santa. Some say to tell them he’s real to make Christmas more exciting.

Also, they can get their child to behave by telling them santa only brings
presents to kids who are good.

Others say to tell them he’s not real, but we can play along for the fun of the
holiday. Mom stands on this side of the debate and told us the truth.


Moms Experience

Mom says she was told by my grandma and grandpa that santa was real. It
wasn’t till she was 6 years old that they finally admitted the truth.

When she started playing with other kids around 4 years old, some of them
were older and knew the truth. They made fun of her cause she believed
santa was real.

She defended herself and by doing so believed she was also defending her
After all, they wouldn’t lie to her.

This continued when she started kindergarten and even into the first grade.
She was standing up for her mom and dad!

One day she came home crying cause she was made fun of even by kids
her own age.
She was then told the truth. Mom was shocked!

She couldn’t believe she was lied to all that time. She says she felt
and humiliated the next day at school.

Then she was told the truth about the real meaning of Christmas. Mom says
she had doubts about what she was being told.

It took a long time for her to trust her parents again. She was afraid of being
embarrassed. Maybe she was being fooled again by mom and dad.




How  Should  You Answer?

How should you answer this question? It is of course up to you, but I think
moms should tell their little one the truth before they start playing with
other kids.

Rather than causing embarrassment, maybe it’s best they know santa’s not
real before the other kids. Then maybe encourage them to not say anything
to the kids who still think he’s real.



Why Do We Have A Christmas Tree? 

Your little one is sure to ask one day why we put up a Christmas tree during
the Christmas season.

There are moms on both sides of the Christmas tree question. Some say we
shouldn’t have one and those that say it is alright.

First, I’ll go through why some say we shouldn’t have one and then why mom
says we have a tree. I will then prove what it’s about!

There are many that say the tree came from pagans and that Christians
should not have one.

They also point to scriptures like Jeremiah 10 that say we shouldn’t cut down
trees from the forest and deck it with silver and gold.

The context from Jeremiah though, is about not creating idols like the
nations did. Most don’t worship a Christmas tree.


Why It’s Perfectly Fine

Mom says it’s great putting up a Christmas tree in our home cause of what it
truly symbolizes. Pagans may have their reasons for having one, but our
reason comes from Hosea 14:8. God said “I am like a green fir tree.” KJV



Our heavenly Father says a fir or evergreen tree represents Him! What better
way to explain to your child the meaning of the season.

The Christmas tree is the symbol of the Father and the symbol you
choose for
the top represents the Son.

It may be a cross. It may be an angel symbolizing those that made the
announcement Christ was born. It could be a star that the wise men saw
leading them to the manger.

Whatever you choose for the top, if a Christian symbol, will help you to explain
the history of Christ coming down to bring us back to God.

Once you explain the reason for the season and that one day Jesus is coming
back again, your little one will surely ask… when?


When Is The Final Christmas? 

Once you explain the real meaning of Christmas, and that one day Christ will
come again, your little angel will ask when.

We cannot know the day nor the hour when the Lord will come back, but we
can know why He takes as long as He does to return.

I should say first that we are not a part of any denomination or sect. Mom likes
to study the bible, though.


Why So Long?

In 2 Peter chapter 3, it is written that near the end people would scoff at the
idea of His return.

The reason He hasn’t come back yet is given in verse 9. Mom says a part
of the verse is quoted a lot by ministers. That God is “not willing that any
should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”

That is a true statement by itself, but it is rarely quoted in context! They usually
leave out the first part of the verse that shows it’s the answer to why Christ has
not returned yet!

“The Lord is not slack concerning His promise,” (to return) “as some men count
slackness, but is longsuffering to usward, not willing that any should perish, but
that all should come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9 KJV


What It Means

Many might question how that makes sense. After all, if Jesus returned 100
years ago, there would be 7 billion less people that would need to repent.

That can’t be true. Verse 9 proves it. Christ cannot return until everyone has
come down here that needs to have a chance to turn back to God.

That explains how God could tell Jeremiah in Jeremiah chapter 1 that God knew
him before he was born. He didn’t foresee Jeremiah as a vision in the future as
some say. He remembers us from the past.

That might be a good answer for your little one when asking when He’s returning.
When everyone has come down.

You can ask your minister what verse 9 means. See if their answer is in or out of


Will There Be Fewer Babies? 

Another question could be what happens after everyone has been born? Mom
says it’s possible that as we get near the end, there might be fewer and fewer
moms with babies.

There may even be a short time when there will be no more newborns. After all,
everyone at some point will have arrived.

Alright moms, I hope I have helped give you a head start on thinking of how you
will answer your child when she has these questions.

Of course, you can do more research. Even ask your minister the answers about
the Christmas tree and the returning. I hope you will confirm what he says,
though. In God’s Word. In context.

May your family have a great holiday!   Merry Christmas!


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