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How To Know If Baby Is Hungry

by | Dec 18, 2019


Baby Hunger Cues


Hi moms!  Is your baby talking yet? Do you know when he’s hungry?


When your baby is crying, the first thing you might think about is that
she wants food. But the thing to know is that a baby doesn’t just cry
when he’s thirsty or hungry.


It’s hard to know a baby’s needs sometimes though, if she does not yet
have the ability to speak. So, as a parent, you have to understand over
time what your baby crying suggests.


It might not be easy. Today, I’ll will give you some tips on how to
recognize hunger signs!


We’ll talk about baby’s reflex cues.


Also, does sucking on their hands always mean they’re hungry?


Should you wake baby to feed?


How the crying sounds when baby is hungry.


How to know if baby is full.


Is it possible to overfeed?



Full Diapers


Moms can’t see how much baby has eaten, but there are ways baby
will show it. The first sign baby is eating enough is that she
fills her diaper.


Also, if you see that your baby is not gaining weight, it means that he is
not getting enough milk.



Baby Knows


Although, crying is one of the most common signs of hunger, there are
other signals that indicate it.
For example, when baby is sucking his
lips, it indicates that he needs your milk.


Also, when a baby turns his head away from a food source, it
means he is
fed up.


The sign that your baby is not hungry is when it is more interested in
his surroundings than milk. If you notice this, do not force your
baby to eat.





When it comes to hunger, babies will most often show a desire for food
with the help of a reflex that looks like a breastfeeding imitation.


If your baby is calm, it means that she is satisfied.


There are other ways baby tells you he’s hungry, such as:

“*Bringing his hands to his face


*Rooting (looking for the nipple with his mouth)


*Making sucking motions and noises


*Sucking on his fingers or putting his fist in his mouth


*Flexing his hands, arms and/or legs


*Breathing fast



Crying is a late hunger cue, so try feeding your baby when he shows
these early signs. By following these cues, you’ll discover his natural



Hand Sucking After 6 To 8 Weeks


“After the newborn period, hand sucking is not as reliable an indicator
of hunger.


Starting at around 6-8 weeks, baby will begin to gain more control over
his hands and will soon begin to explore his hands and everything else
using his mouth.


It is also common for babies to suck on their hands when their gums
become tender in preparation for tooth eruption.”       



No Limits


Another useful tip for you is not to limit the length of breastfeeding, as
baby will only take the amount of milk she needs. Don’t look at your


The most common parenting question is: How do I know the baby has
eaten enough?


Some moms say, If you feed baby at his request and not at a certain
hourly rate, it is quite certain that he is getting everything he needs.


So don’t look at your watch, look at your baby and you won’t go



Should You Wake Baby?


“Babies are very sleepy during early days of birth. If the little one is
less than four weeks old, wake him once every four hours during
nights and once every two to three hours during the day to nurse.


Practice this if he is gaining good weight, showing normal parameters,
pooping, and peeing.”     



Colors speak


It is also important to pay attention baby’s poop color. If the poop is
golden – yellow, there is no reason to worry.


On the other hand, if it is a dark green color, it indicates that the
baby is not getting enough liquid (food).
In the second case,
increase her food!



Decode The Tears


We have already mentioned crying, but it is time we no longer hold
you in suspense but make it easier for you! How do you know baby is
crying cause he’s hungry?


Very easy! This crying might start as if baby is calling you. It will be low
pitched, rising and falling. If it is hunger, the crying will continue and
turn hysterical.



Is Baby Full?


Baby might give a sign that they’re full. They might close their lips.
They will also
turn their head away from your breast or their bottle.


They might also stop sucking, even though they stay latched. They will
even fall asleep sometimes after 15 or 20 minutes of feeding.





Some moms wonder if they can overfeed baby. The answer is it’s
almost impossible.
Unless they feed from a bottle.


“Overfeeding baby is very rare, but it can happen. Overfeeding is more
common in bottle-fed babies, simply because it’s easier to see (and
obsess over) how much milk went in during a feeding.


It also takes less effort to drink from a bottle, so babies (who love to
suck) may inadvertently get too much milk while feeding from a bottle.”


If your baby’s weight gain is normal, overfeeding is probably
nothing to be worried about.
We have a built in regulator that tells us
when to stop.



When we grow older though, and start eating solid food, sometimes we
don’t pay attention to it!


OK, moms. I hope that helps. Gotta go…lunch time!  Have a great day!



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