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Creating A Budget

by | Apr 8, 2020


Moms Creating A Budget


Hi moms!  Have you made a budget for your family yet? In a lot of
families like ours, the lady of the house creates the budget.


In addition to the cooking and cleaning, many moms decide where
the money is needed.


For all you moms that have to do all this and work full time too, 
my hair bow is off to you!


Setting a budget is very important for the smooth running of your 
home. I’m sure raising kids is hard enough, even with a budget.


We’ll show you how to create one and then give you some ideas 
on saving money. (My mom is helping me with this one.)


Rent Or Mortgage


Starting with adding up your monthly family income, deduct your
largest expense. That would prolly be your housing.




Figure out how much a month you need for your next most
item, which of course would be food.


Shopping can become an adventure when you look for ways to
on groceries. Look to buy many of your food items in


You can buy storage containers to freeze the remains of your big 
bulk items.




You can set aside an amount you will need for household items. 
Like laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, toilet paper.


Any regular expense for non food items you will be buying at
the store regularly.




Add up all your monthly bills for paying back money you borrowed. 
Not counting mortgage again, of course.


Like car and credit card payments.





If you work or have childcare expenses regularly, be sure to
include this category in your monthly budget.




Add together all your utility bills like gas, electric and phone. You
can also include cable or streaming services, cell phone and the 
internet in this category.




Set aside so much a month for your child. Like for clothes and
If you have a child with diapers you can save by buying cloth
ones instead of disposable.


They might cost more at first, but save you a lot over time. 




Figure out how much your family will need for gas every month.
You can also include setting aside a certain amount for car 
washes and maintenance also.




If you like to eat out and go to movies or have other fun interests,
set aside an amount for this every month.




If you’re a working mom, add up what you spend everyday for what
you buy at work. What you get going there and back, too.


Like coffee. You might stop for breakfast on your way or buy
somewhere during lunch hour.




Include minor expenses you might run into. Things you didn’t plan
on that could come up. Maybe 50 or 60 dollars a month.




Add up any insurance payments you will have every month. Like 
car, life, and health insurance.


Gift Giving


Figure out how much you spent on gift giving this past year. Like
birthdays, Christmas, and other holidays.


Create a budget for how much you will need this year. Don’t forget
your moms day!


Savings account


If you expect to have money left at the end of every month, open a
savings account.


Even if it’s only 40 or 50 dollars, it will add up by the end of the


Saving Extra Money




If you are getting a new baby and don’t have much money, instead
of budgeting for a nursery, you can get a bassinet and put baby
in your bedroom for awhile.





Keep an eye out for coupons and apps! Some apps work like this:
” You typically just have to snap a picture of your receipt
to collect
the cash!


My favorite is Ibotta. Once you’ve downloaded the app, you can
easily earn $0.25 to $5.00 cash back on items you’re already
buying like milk, fresh produce, eggs, bread, wine, beer — the
list goes on.


They also offer rebates and percentage-off promotions from
retailers like Walmart, Target and Amazon.”  read more


You can also make your own baby food. It cost less and is




Keep an eye out for coupons in your mailbox. They’re usually
inserted in circulars or newspapers you get.


There are also coupon sites online. One is Ebates.


Mom makes cents says “Did you know Ebates comes with a handy
Chrome browser extension that gives alerts when cash back are
available on the websites you’re currently viewing?


What’s cool about this is that there are over 2,500 participating
stores that provide cash back offers through Ebates.


Even Walmart and Amazon are among the major retailers that
partnered with the couponing website.”   read more


Of course, don’t buy stuff you wouldn’t normally buy without a
coupon. Only things you need to buy anyway.




You can save on babysitting expenses if you’re a stay at home mom 
and have a friend who is too.


You can trade sitting time with them. You can take care of their
child one day and they can take yours another day.




If you buy bottled water to take with you when leaving home, buy a
water bottle, instead.


They sell water pitchers with filters, everywhere. You can then fill
your own bottles for free!


OK, moms! I hope that helps. You might want to check out the 
ideas of the nice mom in the video below. She has a unique
method using cash!


Have a great day!


courtesy The Budget

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