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8 Remedies For Colic Relief
8 Ways To Help Your Colicky Baby
Hi moms! I would like to talk about baby colic today, as sadly, so
many babies seem to have it.
First, we’ll cover the symptoms. Then we’ll talk about the possible
causes. We’ll then go through the 8 ways to treat your baby to find
the answer.
Colic is a health condition which an infant cries and can’t find
It usually occurs between their second week and up to three
months after birth. The baby cries for many hours a day.
There are no specific causes of colic in babies that are known yet.
This condition must be very stressful, especially to new parents.
According to research, this condition is present in most babies. It
differs though, in the intensity of crying from baby to baby.
The crying is usually worse in the evening, but it doesn’t
mean that the baby is unhealthy.
Sometimes parents find it difficult to differentiate normal tears
from the colic ones.
Colic symptoms
The main symptom is babies crying for more than 3 hours a
day or more than three days a week for about a month or
Other symptoms include;
-Babies crying like they are feeling pain or experiencing
-Babies crying for no reason
-Babies crying the same time every day
-Babies crying when curling legs or clenching their fists
-Temporary swelling of the baby’s stomach
This is caused by the air that they tend to swallow when crying
but the swelling tends to go when they have a bowel movement
or pass out the gas.
The possible causes of Colic
1. The baby may have a sensitive temperament that requires
2. Feeding the infant too fast or overfeeding or underfeeding
3. Specific proteins in the baby’s formula may be intolerable
4. Immature nervous system
5. Acid reflux
6. Back or neck aches
7. Intestinal gas
8. Improper positioning of the baby after feeding
9. Not burping the baby after feeding
10. A pregnant mother who was smoking during pregnancy
11. Abnormal sensitivity to stimulation (overstimulation)
12. A digestive system that is yet to develop fully
13. An emotional reaction to excitement, fear or frustration
14. Early migraine headache
15. Have a bloated tummy
Colic treatment
You cannot avoid or prevent your baby from being colicky since
there is no specific cause.
Therefore, the only thing you can do is either avoid
exposing them to their triggers or soothe them.
These are ten of the ways to soothe colic.
1. Hold Your Baby
By holding baby, this helps to keep them calm. There are various
holding positions, such as the upright position to remove gas.
2. Breastfeeding Diet
Breastfeeding moms should evaluate the type of food they are
Avoid taking chocolates and caffeine which act as stimulants.
Avoid eating nuts and dairy products since they can be allergic
to the baby. See if that helps.
If you notice baby may have an allergic reaction to her formula
then ask your pediatrician what formula to switch to.
3. Comfort Baby In Various Ways;
-Increasing skin to skin contact with the baby
-Singing to the baby
-Swaddle the baby
-Laying baby on his back in a quiet dark room
-Give baby a pacifier
-Give baby drops of simethicone from the pharmacy that helps to
relieve gas
4. Help Baby Take In Less Air
You can use a feeding bottle with a nipple with small holes
There are also bottles specially designed to reduce gas
Ensure baby sits in an upright position when feeding and burp
him/her during and after feeding
5. Use Soothing Motions And Sounds
You can also help ease colic by using motions that help to calm
the baby
For example, you can hold and rock him, or you can move around
when baby is in a baby carrier.
There are machines that produce white noise that helps to soothe
and calm baby.
Some machines include: Hair drier, fan, dishwasher, etc.There are
some that play lullabies!
6. Soothe Baby’s Body
You can also ease colic in babies by soothing their bodies;
-Giving the baby warmth. You can place a bottle containing warm
water to their belly
– Give them a warm bath or put a warm towel to their stomach
-Massaging the baby to make him relax. Lay him across your lap
and massage his back gently
-Rub the baby’s belly in a clockwise direction
One mom found an unusual way to comfort her baby’s body. Rice
in a glove!
“So she took a glove and poured rice into the glove by
packing it well. Then she laid her daughter on her stomach
and put the glove on her back.
The girl stopped crying, which was a real relief for her mom !”
From: This mother finds a great thing to relieve colic of her
baby. Read here on tipsandcrafts.net
7. Natural Products
Colic Calm and Babies Magic Tea. Also, probiotic drops. Many
moms swear by these as they have been so helpful.
Colic Calm and probiotic drops are sold just about everywhere.
Babies Magic Tea is sold on Amazon. Consult your doctor before
introducing probiotic drops to baby, though.
They can make symptoms worse.
8. Chiropractic Care
Many moms have taken baby to a chiropractor and discovered that
was the answer. It seems even brand new babies can find relief in
their hands!
Find Ways To Calm Yourself
Calm yourself. Colic is a stressful condition. It’s important to keep
your stress level in check.
Keeping in mind how stressful colic is, it’s crucial for moms to know
how to cope living with a colicky baby.
Some of the coping strategies include;
-Sleeping when the baby sleeps to ensure proper resting
-Take turns when it comes to baby holding, either with your partner
or family members
-Prepare meals earlier so that when baby starts to be fussy, you
are not distracted
-Place the baby in a safe place if he keeps on crying and take a
-Join support groups for new moms. Parents with babies with colic
requires a lot of encouragement and support
-Seek advice from your health provider, especially when you feel
frustrated or overwhelmed
Never shake your baby as a way of soothing or reducing colic as
this can result in brain damage.
If you are tired, seek help from someone close.
Colic May Mean Something More
Colic can be a sign of other underlying problems.
Like a hernia, food allergy, intestinal obstruction, and
gastroesophageal reflux.
So, it’s important to seek medical attention, especially if the crying
Ok moms. Hope that helps and I hope you have a peaceful day!
courtesy of Mainechiropractor@youtube.com
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